
Microsoft windows 10 pro key
Microsoft windows 10 pro key

Early versions of Windows 10 required you to call a toll-free number and re-register your license but fortunately things have moved on. The Digital License is stored in UEFI on newer systems so a motherboard change will remove the key. If you change your boot drive or motherboard it will. In most cases, adding new hardware will not affect Windows licensing. As the product key has evolved into Digital License, activating your copy is sometimes more trouble than it is worth. Either way, this will involve multiple installs of Windows 10.

microsoft windows 10 pro key microsoft windows 10 pro key

If you’re a gamer or inveterate fiddler like me, you will regularly change your computer hardware to keep up with the latest gear or experiment for IT tutorials. Reactivate Windows 10 After a Hardware Upgrade

Microsoft windows 10 pro key